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Home » Campsites

Camp Pineta Fažana

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Camping in PulaCamping Pineta is situated a few km north of the small tourist village Fažana and about 10 km from the centre of Pula, from the campsite there is view on the beautiful Brijuni islands (which you should visit during your stay). The camp which has around 600 pitches is a perfect spot for a family holiday. On the pebble and rocky beach there is a large selection of water sport activities.


On the camp there is a restaurant serving various fish and meat dishes. Friday is fish day in Croatia, so it can be recommend to try the fish evening on Friday where the restaurant serve grilled fish at affordable prices. On the large restaurant terrace we also offer music and dance in the late evening hours.

On the sea shore our Fast food offers various refreshing drinks and simple meals.

In terms of sport we have the following to offer, Volleyball, basketball, soccer, bowling, golf and table tennis. It is also possible to rent equipment like kayak and Jet Ski. In the area there is great trail for jogging and bike riding.


Camping Pineta has around 600 lots, a large part is situated in shady Mediterranean vegetation, the lot sizes vary from 60 to a 120 m2, main part with electricity. On the camp there are several sanitary buildings, the camp has a maximum capacity of app. 1800 people.

Distance to larger cities in the Area

Distance Fazana centre 1.5 – 2.0 km app 3 minutes drive
Distance Pula centre 10.3 km app 18 minutes drive

View Camping Istrien / Campsites in Istria in a larger map

Contact details of Camp:

Address: Perojska Cesta bb, 52212, Fazana
Tel.: +385 (0)52 521 884
Fax.: +385 (0)52 521 883
GPS: N 44 56.159 E 13 47.870

Photos from Camp Pineta:

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