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Home » Campsites

Camping Sandra Banjole

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Camping Sandra PulaCamping Sandra is a mini-camp situated in Banjole, which is fairly close to Pula and Medulin. The owner of the camp also runs Apartments Sandra. Unfortunately it is not possible to book or reserve at Camping Sandra as it is fully booked with returning quest, which have been case for several year, so if you wish to stay at the Campsite in the next coming years, it might be a good idea to pay them a visit already this year! Below we have listed the general information about the minicamp as well as the contact details.

Camp Name: Camping Sandra
Number of Lots: None (Not marked)
Number of people: 30
Toilet: Yes
Showers: Yes
Power: Yes
Distance to Sea: 100m
Distance to shopping:  200m

Contact Camping Sandra:

Address:  Rupice 3, Banjole
Postal code:  52100 Pula
Phone 1: +385 52 573 823

Camping Sandra on a Map:

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