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Day trip from Pula to Postojna Cave

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PostojnaThe Postojna (Postojnska) cave, is the largest tourist attraction in Slovenia, the cave are situated close to the highway A1 between Koper and Ljubljana. The Postojna caves are one of the world’s best known and largest karst monuments. As the only cave in the world Postojna has a double track railway, with a length of almost 4 km. You can read more about the Postojna cave here.

How to get to the Postojna Caves from Pula

  1. By car, from Pula there is approximately 155 km to Postojna, the fastest route goes via Koper and the border crossing in Dragonja, the estimated driving time is about 1 hour and 50 minutes. Alternatively it is possible to go via Rijeka and the border crossing in Jelšana, this route has similar length but slightly longer travelling time. I recommend you check the traffic forecast for both border crossings before deciding which route to take.  If you didn’t bring your car to Croatia, you can rent one here.

  1. By bus, Unfortunately there is basically no direct bus to Postojna from Pula, but if you go via Rijeka or Koper you will find buses to Postojna, schedule vary during the year, in the summer month you have more buses, mainly from Koper. From the Postojna bus station to the cave you have 15 minutes by foot.
  1. By train, there are several daily train from Rijeka, which stops in Postojna, which means it is possible to travel Pula – Rijeka and the Rijeka to Postojna. Alternative it is possible first to drive to Koper and then catch at train to Postojna from here. You can check international timetable for trains here. From the train station in Postojna there is about 35 minute’s foot walk to the cave entrance.

If you are travelling by car to see the cave, you could combine the trip with a visit to the Lipiza horse farm, which is situated between Postojna and the Koper. Here you can read what you can experience at Lipiza.


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