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Day trip from Pula to Venice

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One of the most popular destinations for a day trip from Pula is Venice in Italy. As a traveller you have several options in terms of transportation, which we have listed here.

  1. The properly easiest way of getting from Pula to Venice is to take a catamaran, Venezialines and a few other operators have several weekly departures between the cities. The catamarans normally only run in the summer period usually from about 1 of June till end of September, timetables are normally available in the beginning of the year.

You can check timetable for Catamaran operators here.

  • Venezialines – Schedule
  • Commodore Cruises – Schedule
  • Atlas travel – Schedule (Currently only available on Croatian)

Price for a return trip is around 70 euro / person, (discounted tickets for kids) normally the provider has special offers like, family packages, earl birds, last minute, so remember to check if any of these options would fit with your travel plans.

Travel time with Catamaran to Venice is around 3 hours.

  1. Car, driving to Venice from Pula takes about 3 hours, the travel distance is about 280 km, from which 250 km is motorway, where toll fees apply. In Venice there is fairly cheap parking at the Venice car park by the Marco Polo airport from there is a free water shuttle to the historic town in Venice. If you need a rented car or a minivan for the trip to Venice, you can find rental offers from Pula here.


  1. Third option for travelling between Venice and Pula is to take a public Bus, there are two daily departures (except Sundays) from Pula, travel time is about 4 hours and 30 minutes, and the price for a return ticket is around 70 Euro, unfortunately this option is not really recommendable for a day trip, as the buses departure relative early from Venice, which only leaves you with a few hours to see the city.

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