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From Pula to Plitvice Lakes

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Plitvice LakesIf you are on holiday in Pula, and plan to visit the national park Plitvice on a daytrips, you basically only have two options:

  1. First options is to go by car, following the shortest route via, Rijeka, Senj the route has a total length of 250 km and an estimated travel time of 3 hours and 3 minutes. On this road toll fees apply between Pula and the Uska tunnel. The alternative route goes via, Rijeka and the on the highway towards Zagreb, this route has a total length of 270 km same estimated travel time as the first route, but in the summer month this route might be the fastest, as there is less chance of traffic jams. Toll fees on this route apply from Pula till exit point on the highway toward Zagreb. If you need to rent a car or a minibus for the trip you can do so in the centre of Pula, here you find a selection of car rental offers available from Pula.

National Park Plitvice

  1. Second options is to book an excursion from Pula, if you search the internet, you should be able to find several companies offering excursion, alternative you can visit a local agency once in Pula.

Visiting Plitvice lakes with overnight stay

If you have no fixed accommodation in Pula, you have option to travel to Plitvice with bus and then stay overnight at close to the park, where you have several hotels and large number of private accommodation units to choose between. The overnight option of course also applies, if you travel with car. Be aware that depending on time of year, the bus tour can be quite lengthy and require several bus changes.




Please feel free to leave a comment if you have any tips or questions regarding travelling from Pula to Plitvice Lakes

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  • Priya says:

    Hiya – do you know any companies that offer the excursion? my friends and I are planning on staying in Pula for a couple of days and really want to see the Plitvice National Park?

  • Lene Smalby says:

    Hi Priya,

    As far as i recall the company Kompass, has excursion to Plitvice a few times a week during summer season, the might also be other local companies offering tours.



  • Abeer says:


    I am going to be in Pula for 5 days in July and I really want to visit Plitvice Lakes but I don’t seem to find any concrete information of planning my trip to Plitvice. I am hoping to make it a day trip so that I come back to Pula. Any suggestions? Thanks

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