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Home » Hotels in Pula

Hotel Palma Pula

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The Hotel Palma*** is a part of Punta Verudela Resort which is situated on the very coast, 4 km from the city center, the hotel is modernly furnished  and offers a stunning view of Veruda Channel and the Veruda Marina.

Rooms at Hotel Palma:

The hotel has a total of 132 rooms situated on three floors, all rooms has panoramic view at the Veruda Channel, marina and the little port. The rooms are equipped with telephone, hair dryer and satellite TV.

Facilities at Hotel Palma:

The Hotel Palma has spacious lobby with restaurant, aperitif bar, TV lounge and laundry service. Outside the hotel there is a parking area for hotel guests. Other facilities can be found at the Punta Verudela resort.

The hotel has no own restaurant so guest are recommend to use the restaurants at the Punta Verudela resort or the excellent restaurant a the Hotel Histria, which include a large buffet restaurant, an Istrian Tavern, with local specialties, as well as a Sea side restaurant offering international menus.

Hotel Palma Pula Airphoto

From Hotel Palma there is only about 100 m to a blue flag beach, a guest main use all beaches at the Punta Verudela Resort, guest may also use the indoor and outdoor swimming pools of the Hotel Histria.

Close to the Hotel Palma there is a sports and recreation center with 22 tennis courts, 2 five-a-side football pitches, sports grounds for handball, basketball, volleyball, squash and mini-golf, water sport like diving, Jet ski rental, paragliding etc is also found at the recreation center.

The Hotel Palma also offer the Arenaturist animation club with various activities for adults and junior and mini club for the children.

Contact information:

Address: Verudela bb, HR-52100 Pula
Phone: +385 (0)52 590 760
Fax: +385 (0)52 214 175
GPS: 44.836468, 13.838637


Hotels Pula

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