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Home » Hotels in Pula

Hotel Pula

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Hotel in Pula, vacation in PulaHotel “Pula” *** is situated 1.5-2 km from the centre of Pula. The recently renovated hotel is surrounded by a beautiful pine forest, which guests have to pass through to get to the excellent pebble beach. The Hotel is open all year round and it can be recommended as a family hotel during the main season. The conference and sport facilities make the hotel an excellent choice for groups and companies outside the main season.

Rooms at Hotel Pula

The Hotel has total of 172 rooms and 8 suites, all of them equipped with air condition, SAT TV, Safe deposit box, modern furniture.

Rooms are available with double bed, two single beds or as two bedroom apartments. Big number of rooms has balconies with a very nice sea view.

Facilities at Hotel Pula

The facilities at the Hotel among others include a fitness room with sauna. You can also book a massage there.

Just outside the main entrance of the Hotel, there is a hairdresser, a gift shop, Internet cafe, exchange office and also bikes for rent (the bike trip to the centre lasts less then 10 minutes, and is highly recommendable).

The gastronomic offer at the Hotel Pula includes a self service restaurant and a „a la carte restaurant”. On the menu you can find typical Mediterranean sea food and meat dishes. For larger groups, banquets, business meeting etc. the restaurant offers individual programs and menus.

Guest can use the outdoor pool which features deck chairs and a pool bar. The closest beach is only a few minutes away from the hotel.

Within walking distance of the Hotel, there are 12 tennis courts, 2 football (soccer) fields, a multifunctional sports centre as well as a triathlon jogging trail and a sandy pitch for beach volleyball . Bike riding in the area, e.g. to the peninsula Verudela is also very popular sport activity. As a new Sport activity the hotel now also have its own Pétanque pitch available. For the smaller ones there is a playing ground available.

The conference facilities at the Hotel have all the necessary equipment, such as projector, projection screen, flipchart set, audio equipment, wireless internet, for a professional business meeting.

Contact details of Hotel Pula:

Address: Sisplac 31, Pula 52100
Phone: + 385 52 386 922
Fax: + 385 52 386 165

Hotels Pula

Photos from Hotel Pula:


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