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Pula sights to see

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Pula Arena (2)Despite the rough history of Pula, with numerous different rules and several devastating attacks on the city, some of the ancient building has managed to survive partly in remarkable good conditions.

Arena Pula: The top sight of the city is beyond any doubt the Arena, it is among 6 of the largest Roman Amphitheatres surviving since the Roman Empire, and is considered to be one of the best preserved Arenas, some even claim that the Amphitheatre in Pula is a much more interesting sight then coliseum (Colosseum) in Rome.

Temple of Rome and Augustus: The Temple was originally part of a temple triad, build by the roman Emperor Augustus around year 0. The two other temples was almost completely destroyed, Although a part of the temple Diana still exist, integrated into the back wall of the city hall,. The Temple is situated at the forum Square which has been hosting parts of the city administration since roman times.

Although the bronze inscription on the temple is partly gone, it is believed that the original text was like this:


Roma and Augustus Caesar, son of the deity, father of the fatherland

Arch of the Sergii: If you take a walk on the main walking street in Pula, you will pass through the Arch of the Sergii, which is a triumphal arch build as a tribune to the 3 brothers Lucius, Sergius and Lepidus who was a part of the powerful Sergii family who for centuries was in charge of the town.

Pula Arch of the Sergii

The Gate of Hercules: Situated few 100 meters from the Arch of the Sergii, you can find the single arch “The gate of Hercules! With the Head of Herculas carved in a high relief. The arch is from the 1st century.

Pula temple of Rome and Augustus

The twin Gates: Situated at the end of Ulica Castropola (direction Arena), you can find the Twin Gates which is the on of the remaining part of the old city walls which was torn down in the 19th century.

The historical museum of Istria: Situated at the “Capitol” Capitoline hill top in a 14th century star shaped Castel built by the venetians, you can find the historical museum of Istria, which is a must see.

Cathedral and Churches Pula

In the 5th century AD Pula became a centre of a bishopric, which meant that churches had to be build!

The Byzantine Chapel of St. Mary Formosa: A 6th century chapel with mosaic decorated floors and walls, situated close to the water, a few hundred meters walk from the Forum.

The Orthodox Church of St. Nicholas: A 6th century church, build mainly to the orthodox immigrants from Cyprus and Greece. Church is situated close to the twin gates.

The Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary: The original cathedral was destroyed by the Venetians and Genoese in the 13th century and was rebuild in the 15th century. The Cathedral is situated close to the Riva, few hundred meters from the Forum

The church of St. Francis: This church from the 13th century is build in Romanesque style with Gothic additions

Other places to see:

  • Roman Theater
  • Archeological museum of Istria
  • Franz Joseph i park and king Zvonimir’s
  • City of Graz park

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